Vision Summary
Ashley’s Orphans is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to improving the life of Haitian children, specifically through partnering with existing organizations to help construct orphanages and schools.

At its heart, Ashley’s Orphans, “AO”, is a construction company in Haiti that seeks to show Christ’s love through building projects.  Significant investments in tools and equipment to build reinforced concrete buildings have been made.  We have partnered with an architect and structural engineer here in the USA to design each project.  A group of men with extensive construction experience has been assembled and are willing to donate their time and talents to supervise the projects.  A full time employee has been hired in Haiti to coordinate our efforts.

Core Objectives
To partner with existing organizations
Our main focus is to find organizations that were affected by the earthquake and to help them rebuild. We also want to find and partner with organizations that have a vision to help Haitian children but do not have the infrastructure to implement that vision. We want to come along side and help by building the structures that they need. AO does not intend to operate orphanages, administer schools, or own land and buildings.

To use Haitian labor with American supervision
Haitians need work. The Haitian man knows how to dig footers, tie rebar, mix and place concrete. What he needs is direction and expertise. Our plan is to regularly send small teams from the States to give that guidance.

To build earthquake & hurricane "proof" structures
Here in the States, our schools are built to a much higher standard than other buildings in the same area. Most are designated as "public shelters" in case of an emergency. We want the buildings that we construct to have that same designation. Our structures could then be used for shelters for the local population in the event of a major hurricane. They would also be strong enough to withstand another earthquake.

To maintain a relationship with our partners
Our current project with Centre Loving Hands Orphanage will take several years to complete. Upon completion, it is our intention to present the organization with the keys and move on to the next project that the Lord leads us to. We desire to keep an ongoing relationship with each organization that we partner with through our "Child Sponsorship" program. This will enable us to help them meet the daily cost requirements to properly feed and care for the children. The money that is designated for this program will be used by our employee in Haiti to purchase food, clothing and supplies to be directly delivered to the orphanage. This will not only keep us connected with each partner but will also provide our donors with the confidence that their money is being well spent on the children that they are supporting.

To be accountable
We want to be transparent with the resources that have been entrusted to us. As such, our financial records will be reviewed by an independent CPA every year and those reports will be made public through our web site.