Give Financially
Building Fund
Gifts to this fund will be allocated to construction projects directly related to the care of orphans. More information of what we are building can be found in our "Partners/Projects" section.  donate online | donate by mail
Support a Child
$30 per month will help provide food, clothing, medicine and any other daily needs that the children have. These funds go directly to pay for day-to-day expenses. Our goal is to have two sponsors per child.  donate online | donate by mail
Give Time
Volunteer For A Work Team
Our goal is to send a small focused work team down to Haiti every month or two to help in the building of our projects. These teams would consist of 4-7 people that would focus on specific construction details of the project. They would work with the local organization which is responsible for provide half of the labor to complete the projects. Teams would stay at Double Harvest which is a very safe and secure compound 10 miles outside of Port-au-Prince.